Easy Investigative Case Management

Use SearchExpress Case Management system to manage your case data and documents, to save time and money.

Easy Case Management

Typical Cases Include:

  • Employee Complaints, Grievances and Accidents

  • Customer Complaints

  • Fraud Investigations

  • Data and Physical Security breeches

  • Applications for Credit

  • Employee Onboarding and Background Checks

  • Copyright, Trademark and Patent Policing

Case Assignment

You can use rules to automatically assign cases, e.g., cases can assigned to investigators based on a combination of the geographical location and case type.

Or, you can assign cases by choosing the case investigator's name from a pick list.

The investigator can be notified by email of the new case, or they use their browser to see their case "inbasket".

Upload Files

The investigator can upload emails, Word and Excel case documents directly to the SearchExpress case repository, by using a Save-to-SearchExpress menu item in Outlook and Office.

The investigator can upload any relevant web page, including credit reports, Facebook, and Twitter.

You can also upload audio, photo, and video files to the case.

SearchExpress provides scanning and OCR for paper files, to add these files to the case repository.


To see how SearchExpress Case Management software can save you time and money, contact us now for a free demo.


We guarantee your satisfaction. We always offer SearchExpress with a 30 day money-back guarantee.


In your browser, type in a search phrase, e.g., "Credit Report", to instantly find all case records, notes and documents containing that search phrase. SearchExpress

You can also search by index fields, such as geolocation and date.

You can search from PC, iPad, iPhone or Droid.

Also, you can search by highlighting a search word or phrase in your ERP or other applications, including Oracle and SAP.


Emailed alerts keep case managers apprised of key case status changes.

Integration with other Systems

SearchExpress Case Management software is easily integrated with your existing business-critical applications, such as HR, so you can share case data with your other applications and view case data and documents from your other applications.

Case Referral Form

You can put a case referral eForm on your intranet or Internet site. The form information requested can be different for each different type of case. Form data can be populated based on geolocation.


Record-level security lets you give all users, including employees, law enforcement, lawyers, and regulators, access just to the data and documents you grant them permission to access.


The SearchExpress case management system lets you easily create your own customized case-management reports, including specifying which fields show on the reports, specifying the fields used to sort the reports, and specifying subtotals and totals.

Document Management Software


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