Workflow Features

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  • For business process management (workflow), you can define a multiple-step workflow to route documents to different user's "inbaskets" for processing. These documents can be eForms, emails, Word and other digital documents, as well as scanned documents.
  • An example of a simple workflow would be routing A/P invoices to the manager responsible for approving the invoice, say Sierra Lewis. Sierra Lewis can approve documents by selecting "Documents to Approve" from the Favorites list of her browser, or SearchExpress can send her an email and she can approve the invoice from her email.
  • An example of a multiple-step workflow would be routing an invoice to three different levels of approval. All invoices could go to the Office Manager for approval, invoices over $1,000 next go to the District Manager for approval, and invoices over $10,000 next go to the Regional Manager for approval. So, the Regional Manager needs to look at and approve only invoices over $10,000.
  • Email alerts. For example, a user could be notified by email when any new document arrives where the Invoice Amount is greater than $15,000 and the Project Name is Surveillance Drones.

Approve Documents

  • You can review and approve invoices or other documents using an iPhone or Android app.
  • When a user looks at a document in their inbasket, they can click a button to "approve" or "acknowledge receipt" of the document. Their name will be automatically entered into the "Approved By" or "Acknowledged By" field, with a date/time stamp.
  • Or, the user can click Reject to send non-approved documents to a predefined person or department.
  • When looking at a document in their inbasket, a user can also key in data, such as cost codes or comments.
  • When a document is approved or rejected, SearchExpress can automatically email the next person in the workflow to inform them they have documents in their inbasket, and they can approve from their email, including from their iPad, iPhone, or Android.
  • When a document is approved, a word, such as Approved, can be stamped on the document.

Robotic Process Automation

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) lets you automate processes.
  • When an in-house system or web application is not fully integrated with other enterprise applications, this creates a step in a business process where employees have to do manual work to keep information and data flowing between systems. This is an “automation gap” that software robots are designed to fill.
  • RPA software robots mimic the actions a person could perform, including logging in, copying and pasting information, opening emails and filling out forms.
  • HR Onboarding is a good example where RPA could be used to do the steps needed to onboard a new employee, e.g., entry into HR system, 401K signup, and completion of tax forms, medical insurance forms, confidentiality agreements, etc.

How to Route

  • Emails can be automatically routed based on the From email address.
  • eForms, email, Word and other digital documents can be manually routed by the person saving the document into SearchExpress.
  • You can choose the workflow from a pick list. For example, the documents could be assigned to route to Bob Smith, and then to Sierra Lewis after Bob Smith completes his work on the document, and to Jim Davis after Bob Smith completes his work.
  • Scanned documents can be routed by the scanner operator.
  • Scanned documents can be routed by a barcode affixed to the document, or barcodes on a separate page placed before each document.

Capture and Search Features

For digital filing system search features, click here.

For document capture and indexing features, click here.

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